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Non-potable Water Winterization (Blowout) Information

Dear Tailholt Metro District Residents,

It is that time of year again where the water will be turned off, and we will be blowing out the sprinkler system throughout the community.

Non-potable water will be shut off on Friday, October 14th.

Blow out process will begin Saturday, October 22nd.

Please use the winterization (blowout) maps to see when your zone will be blown out. This is the same as your watering schedule.


Tailholt Metro District Management Team

THMD Non-Potable Water System Winterization Letter 9-25-2021THMD Non-Potable Home Winterization Filing 1 and 2 Blowout Schedule 9-25-2021THMD Non-Potable Home Winterization FILING 4 Blowout Schedule date 9-20-2022