THMD Non-Potable Winterization Reminder
This year the non-potable water system was turned off on Friday 10/15/2021.
The new function that THMD is doing this year and continuing to do every year is blowing out the entire non-potable water system, including having air in the mains lines for you to use on your irrigation system.
On Saturday 10/23/2021 the THMD will blow out the District mains, in doing so you will be able to use this air for your irrigation system.
The District has a winterization schedule set up for you the homeowner to use the air in the non-potable system. Please set your irrigation clock to the winterization schedule or better yet do it manually.
It is a good idea to clean your in-line filter before you blow out your irrigation lines. When it is your time on the winterization schedule/blow out schedule; be sure to blow out each zone out for 3 to 5 minutes or until you see only air coming out. Watch your system and as you see no more watering coming out of the irrigation system, move on to the next zone. Once fully blown out, turn off your irrigation clock and close your main water valve.
Before the blowout:
- Clean your in-line filter.
- Set your irrigation clock to the winterization schedule for your area or do manually.
- Blow out each zone out for 3 to 5 minutes or until you see only air coming out.
- Turn off your ball valve at your connection point of your irrigation system, after the blow out.
- Turn off your irrigation clock.
You as the homeowner are responsible for blowing out your own irrigation system. You just use the air the District is supplying, just like the water you use. If you do not want to participate in the blow you do not have to, you would hire your own contractor to blow out your own lines if you wish. The District is doing this blow out to help the residents and to save you a little money from having to pay a contractor.
Any questions please contact the Districts
THMD Non-pot water BLOW out letter 10-19-2021