THMD Non-potable Water to begin May 4th 2021
Non-potable water will be normally turned on the first week of May.
This year the Non-potable water will be turned May 4th, 2021
The Tailholt Metro Districts non-potable water system gets its non-potable water from natural run off, the local rivers, reservoirs and ditch companies from around the area. When the Tailholt Metro District gets non-potable water for the District’s non-potable water system all depends on the spring runoff, river levels and level of the storage facility.
The District does not get dates as to when this will happen, because no one knows. Once run off or the “river water comes in”, the District will re-fill Franklin Lake; our non-potable storage reservoir. Then fill pump house wet well, test pump system and fill main lines.
Remember to set your irrigation clock to the 3-day non-potable watering schedule.
Keep in mind: May will still have nights/days below 32 degrees, which may freeze parts of your irrigation system and cause damage. Turn your home irrigation system on when you feel comfortable with predicted forecast and temperatures.
The 3rd Friday of October (Every year) the District will turn off the non-potable water system.
** Do not go into the District meter pit **
If your non-potable water is not working during your scheduled watering time, please check the following:
- Your main water valve after the District meter pit is on.
- Rain sensor is not full of water.
- You have your irrigation clock set to water at the same time as the watering schedule for your area.
- Check your irrigation clock for am and pm and have irrigation clock set to the correct year.
- Check back up battery supply.
Attached is the Irrigation 3 day schedule